Call Before You Dig
Louisiana One Call 1-800-272-3020
Accidental damage to a pipeline poses a major threat to all. Utilizing Louisiana One Call is a successful way to mitigate accidental damage caused from excavation, drilling, or any activity involving penetration of the earth's surface. It is requested that you call Louisiana One Call at least 48 hours in advance of any activity near one of our pipelines and an Empire representative will locate and mark the underground pipeline at no cost to you. However, even if advanced notification was not given, please still notify Louisiana One Call and Empire. It’s better late then never! Any minor contact with a pipeline could pose a potential safety hazard.
Call before you:
Install water or sewer lines, septic systems, or drains
Install telephone, TV, or cable lines
Blast for clearing
Repair or rebuild roads or driveways
Plant trees or shrubs
Build homes or additions